A wonderful human being

Created by Michael one month ago

Susan was a colleague for some ten years at Whitton School, Twickenham, from 1972 until I left in 1981. We both taught English and in, I may say, an outstanding department for the time, she shone. Her pedagogy was much admired and appreciated by her students. She had a good sense of humour and a kindness which wooed many a 'difficult' child.  When I announced her death on the Facebook Whitton School site, the response was remarkable for she was held in much affection and esteem not only by her colleagues but also her  former pupils there. If you have access to Facebook, please visit the site and you will be as moved as I have been by the tributes there. 

We kept in touch a little after we  left Whitton and met up from time to time with  ex-colleagues. We exchanged Christmas messages for many years.

Susan was a remarkable woman : intelligent, committed, incisive and calm, and was someone who commanded respect from all who met her. We had been at Strawberry Hill at the same time (1968-1971)  but our paths rarely crossed there. Suffice it so say, she read for her B.Ed. because she was a very good student. (In those days, acceptance on to the B.Ed. course was very difficult.) 

Her interests were wide-ranging so a conversation with her was a joy. My lasting memory of her is her laughter :  usually  laughing at something  stupid I had said. Such memories are precious and I will carry them with me always. Thank you, Susan, for all that you brought into our lives.