I was lucky enough to train and then work at Lampton while Susan was deputy head there. As a member of senior leadership she was a model of integrity, professionalism and kindess; as a member of the English department she was all of this but also utterly collegiate, gladly rolling up her sleeves to take on the toughest classes rather than leave them to less experienced colleagues. She was so passionate about the subject of English, and how it could inspire and enrich the lives of students: if you needed to find funds for a theatre trip, or get travel forms signed off at the last minute, then Susan would be there, ready not just to help with paperwork but come along if you needed her. She priortised the students, their learning and their welfare, above everything else. I valued and admired Susan as an exceptionally principled and courageous woman, but she was also a lot of fun. She had such a memorable and infectious laugh - a mix of a hoot and a chuckle - and I am smiling now as I think of it.
I am so sorry that I cannot be there the funeral but my thoughts will be with her family and her many friends.
Birna Helgadottir
24th February 2025